Decorating your home for the holidays is fun and festive, but it can also be a chore. That's especially true when you have to drag heavy boxes out of the attic, search for missing stockings in the garage, or look through countless closets for your Halloween skeletons. Love the holidays? Tired of the chaos? You need professional closet design.

Tips and Tricks for Organizing Your Holiday Decor

When organizing your holiday decor, you can start with everything, or you can organize each holiday as it comes. If you opt for the first choice, you need to pull out all your decorations from storage and then start sorting and organizing. If you prefer the latter, you can organize each holiday individually. When you pull out your decorations for the season, you go through them and get rid of what you don't want. Then, when you put them away, you really kick into organization mode so you're ready for next year.

In either case, keep these tips in mind as you organize.

  • Label, label, label — To save time when pulling out or putting away your decorations, make sure that you label everything. Depending on your organizational strategy, you may want to label boxes and bins, but you may also want to label shelves as well.
  • Invest in special containers — To ensure everything has a safe home, invest in storage solutions such as special boxes that cushion glass tree ornaments, bags that prevent tinsel tangles, tubes for holiday posters, or other item-specific storage.
  • Insist on transparency — If you want to be able to find items easily, you need transparent boxes, lots of shelves so that you can avoid piles, and other solutions that make it easier to see what you have.

The Importance of Closet Design

The above tips can help a bit, but to truly keep your holiday decor organized, the right closet design may be the answer. Custom shelves give you a spot to keep boxes and bins, hooks can help you hang items, and drawers can be ideal for small decorations. When you opt for luxury closet design, you can customize the colors and features in your closet so that they are both functional and visually attractive, and of course, you can add lighting so that you can easily find your decorations.

Professional Help for Closet Design

You work hard. You deserve to enjoy the holidays, and kicking off the holiday season with disorganization and chaos is never fun. Consider putting the joy back into the holidays by working with a closet design professional. We can look at the items you want to store, talk with you about your objectives, and assess your existing closet space.

Then, we can help you identify the perfect design for your closet. We can even generate a computer image of your closet to help you visualize the final product. You’ll review our ideas and make suggestions so we can ensure you get the closet design that works for you.

Ready for a great custom closet design? Contact us for a free consultation today. At Closet Solutions Florida, we can help you customize your space.